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Which is the word of God

The sword holds the power to blind armies, destroy enemies, turn over tables, uproot evil, brand rebellion, and conquer the flesh. It’s the sword of the Spirit, which means it protects the good fruit we seek to bear––love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22)––at the same time destroying those who seek to devour it. The sword does all of that – which means God’s word does all of that.

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Shield of faith

Faith is a daily choice. Just like love and trust and happiness. We have to choose everyday to have faith in God – in His timing, in His goodness, in His faithfulness, in His justice. When we made the choice to follow Him, we made the choice to choose faith, and that’s a decision we’ll live out for the rest of our lives.

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